Butterworth- Year 1 2024 - 2025

Class Teacher                                      

  Mrs C Fogg.jpeg                                                                       

   Mrs Fogg                              


Welcome to Year 1 Butterworth's Class Page.

Please check here for any news or information about our class. You will also be able to see photographs and updates about our learning!


Reading Books - Please make sure these are brought to school every day. 

PE - Monday and Friday

Homework - This will be sent out every Friday and due back on a Tuesday


We are going to have a fantastic year of learning, which we can't wait to share with you all on our class page. 

If you have any questions, please see me at the end of the day. 

Thank you 

Mrs Fogg

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Butterworth- Year 1: Events items

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Queen Street, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 1QD

Mrs Z Neophitou: Principal

0161 368 1898


Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Anthony Hughes

Chair of Governing Body: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)
